Estágio de Dança de Aveiro 2024

Victor Hugo Pontes

Estágio de Dança de Aveiro 2024
7th to 13th July 2024With a long history and being part of the career of many of Aveiro's dance professionals, Estágio de Dança has established itself as a place for experimenting and perfecting different dance techniques, aimed at professional dancers, dance students or just those who are curious.Having taken on different formats over the years and curated by the choreographer Victor Hugo Pontes since 2017, the 2024 edition will take place from July 7th to July 13th.Over the course of a week, different activities are proposed, with dance as the common element. Nome Próprio, in partnership with Companhia Nacional de Bailado and MXM, is presenting a program ranging from classical dance classes to contemporary dance, theater, hip hop dance, creative laboratories led by renowned trainers, which will culminate in an informal public presentation, the 2nd edition of AVEIRO DANCE BATTLE, with Breaking Kids and Breaking Pro, a screening of the film Anomalias by Rita Quelhas and the presentation of the projects selected in the Open Call, which were awarded creative grants.For one week, we celebrate dance in the Portuguese Capital of Culture.Calendar07 July | 18h00 2nd EDITION AVEIRO DANCE BATTLE | PRAÇA DA REPÚBLICA08 July | 10h00 TESTEMUNHOS | TEATRO AVEIRENSE08 July | 11h30 PRESENTATION OF THE FILM ANOMALIAS, BY RITA QUELHAS | TEATRO AVEIRENSEJuly 09 | 21h30 PRESENTATION OF THE FILM ANOMALIAS + TALK WITH THE DIRECTOR | TEATRO AVEIRENSEJuly 11 | 21h30 PRESENTATION OF OPEN CALL: ANOTHER PLANET, BY LEONARDO GAIPA AND THALIA AGAPAKI + ISTO NÃO É UM SOLO, BY VANESSA VIEIRA DA CUNHA | TEATRO AVEIRENSEJuly 13 | PRESENTATION OF LABS CRIATIVOS | TEATRO AVEIRENSE

Instructors: Cátia Esteves, Filipe Macedo/CNB, Francisca Lima, João Nunes Monteiro, Marco Tavares, Miguel Esteves, Paulina Santos/CNB (

Schedule and modalities:


More information: Ana Génio -


Organized by Nome Próprio and Teatro Aveirense

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8 a 13 de Julho 2024
Teatro Aveirense
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Estágio de Dança de Aveiro 2024


José Caldeira
José Caldeira
José Caldeira
José Caldeira
José Caldeira
José Caldeira
José Caldeira
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