Victor Hugo Pontes
“Endless Escape” raises, then, many different issues (social, cultural, political, interpersonal), but focuses on the reflection on the origin of the creative act as an “artifact”, “deliberate construction”, “fiction”, “simulacrum of reality”, or while searching for a way out, for several answers, for the idea of escape as a category of affirmation.
Direction Victor Hugo Pontes. Directing and Video Editing João Paulo Serafim. Technical Direction and Light Design Wilma Moutinho. Original Score Rui Lima e Sérgio Martins. Costume Design Victor Hugo Pontes with the support of Osvaldo Martin. Dramaturgy Support Madalena Alfaia. Performers and co-creators Bruno Senune, Liliana Garcia, Marco da Silva Ferreira, Pedro Rosa, Valter Fernandes. Performers 2019 Bruno Senune, João Santiago, Liliana Garcia, Marco da Silva Ferreira, Valter Fernandes. Production Nome Próprio. Production Direction Joana Ventura. Production Assistant Mariana Lourenço. Co-production Companhia Instável, Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve, O Espaço do Tempo, Centro Cultural Vila Flor. Support Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Artistic Residency Support Teatro Nacional São João, Fundação Porto Social.
Playing time: 60'
Ages 16 years old and up
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